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Grants Finder Tool’s Grants Finder Tool helps you find applicable funding opportunities to help keep your school community safe. The tool features a variety of Federally available school safety-specific grants that you can navigate based on school safety topic, award amount, application level of effort, and more. As Federal agencies release school safety funding opportunities and grants throughout the year, the tool will be updated on an ongoing basis to reflect these opportunities.

To get started, take the Grants Finder Tool Quiz to view a list of applicable grants based on your quiz selections. Available grant results will appear as you answer each question. Your results will narrow down as you proceed throughout the quiz to give you the most relevant grant opportunities for your school.

You can also explore all available grant opportunities in the Grants Library. Filter grants based on your needs or use the quick filter links to view grants in frequently searched for categories.

If you would like to receive updates on new school safety-related grant opportunities when they are available, please submit an email address where we can contact you.


I am looking for funding opportunities for the following school safety needs. (Select all that apply)
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Question 1 of 7

Award Amount

School safety grants are available in varying amounts of funding. I am looking for funding opportunities in the following amounts. (Select all that apply)
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Question 2 of 7

Application Level of Effort

As a member of your school’s community, we know you’re busy! The application process for some school safety grants can be more time-consuming and complicated than others. Select the level of effort you’re interested in for completing the grant application.
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Question 3 of 7

Direct vs Pass-Through Grant

Some Federally available school safety grant programs allow schools and/or districts to apply directly for funding (direct grant). Other Federal grant programs provide funding that schools can only receive through another entity such as a state agency, local government, or other eligible organization (pass-through grant). I’m interested in viewing the following type of grant applications.
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Question 4 of 7


Some Federally available school safety grant programs can be used to support the role of specific members of the school community. I am looking for grant opportunities for the following intended users. (Select all that apply)
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Question 5 of 7


Prevention, protection and mitigation, and response and recovery are all key elements in creating and maintaining safe and supportive school environments. I’m interested in grants for the following actions when it comes to school safety threats, hazards, and risks. (Select all that apply)
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Question 6 of 7

Funding Agency currently houses grants available from the four Federal School Safety Clearinghouse agencies. I’m interested in finding grants available from the following Federal agencies. (Select all that apply)
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Question 7 of 7

Thank you for completing the Grants Finder Tool quiz.

Review the eligible grants based on your selections below. You can also download your results.

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Department of Homeland Security
Level of Effort
Homeland Security National Training Program (HSNTP) - Continuing Training Grants (CTG)
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides funding via cooperative agreements to partners to develop and deliver training to prepare communities to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism and natural, man-made, and technological hazards.

Access Link:

Department of Health and Human Services
Level of Effort
Preventing Violence Affecting Young Lives
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides funding to address multiple forms of violence impacting adolescents and young adults, particularly in communities with high rates of violence, by implementing prevention approaches with an emphasis on the outer levels of the social-ecological model.

Access Link:

Department of Health and Human Services
Level of Effort
National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative – Category II, Treatment and Service Adaptation (TSA) Centers
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides funding to provide national expertise for specific types of traumatic events, population groups, and service systems, and support the specialized adaptation of effective evidence-based treatment and service approaches for communities across the nation.

Access Link:

Department of Health and Human Services
Level of Effort
National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative – Category I, National Center for Child Stress 
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides funding to develop and maintain a collaborative network structure, support resource and policy development and dissemination, and coordinate the network’s national child trauma education and training efforts.

Access Link:

Department of Health and Human Services
Level of Effort
Cooperative Agreement for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and Disaster Distress Helpline
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides funding to support local emergency, mental health, and social services resources; and support the Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH) to assist residents in the United States and its territories who are experiencing emotional distress resulting from disasters and traumatic events.

Access Link:

Department of Health and Human Services
Level of Effort
Enhancement and Expansion of Treatment and Recovery Services for Adolescents, Transitional Aged Youth, and their Families
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides funding to enhance and expand comprehensive treatment, early intervention, and recovery support services for adolescents (ages 12-18) and transitional aged youth (ages 16-25) with substance use disorders and/or co-occurring substance use and mental disorders, and their families/primary caregivers.

Access Link:

Department of Education
Level of Effort
Student Support and Academic Enrichment Program (ESEA Title IV, Part A)
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides funding through a formula to improve students’ academic achievement by increasing the capacity of States, local educational agencies, schools and local communities to: (1) provide all students with access to a well-rounded education; (2) improve school conditions for student learning; and (3) improve the use of technology to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy for all students. School districts receiving funds must also have internet safety policies in place to protect students.

Access Link:…

Department of Education
Level of Effort
School Climate Transformation Grant - Local Educational Agency Grants
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides competitive grants to local education agencies develop, enhance, or expand systems of support for, and technical assistance to, schools implementing a multi-tiered system of support, for improving school climate.

Access Link:…

Department of Health and Human Services
Level of Effort
Healthy Transitions: Improving Life Trajectories for Youth and Young Adults with Serious Mental Disorders Program
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides funding to improve access to treatment and support services for youth and young adults who have a serious emotional disturbance (SED) or a serious mental illness (SMI), also referred to as serious mental disorders.

Access Link:

Department of Health and Human Services
Level of Effort
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Grant Program
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides funding to address children who are at risk for, show early signs of, or have been diagnosed with a mental illness including a serious emotional disturbance. The purpose of this program is to improve outcomes for these children by developing, maintaining, or enhancing infant and early childhood mental health promotion, intervention, and treatment services.

Access Link:

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