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Grants Finder Tool’s Grants Finder Tool helps you find applicable funding opportunities to help keep your school community safe. The tool features a variety of Federally available school safety-specific grants that you can navigate based on school safety topic, award amount, application level of effort, and more. As Federal agencies release school safety funding opportunities and grants throughout the year, the tool will be updated on an ongoing basis to reflect these opportunities.

To get started, take the Grants Finder Tool Quiz to view a list of applicable grants based on your quiz selections. Available grant results will appear as you answer each question. Your results will narrow down as you proceed throughout the quiz to give you the most relevant grant opportunities for your school.

You can also explore all available grant opportunities in the Grants Library. Filter grants based on your needs or use the quick filter links to view grants in frequently searched for categories.

If you would like to receive updates on new school safety-related grant opportunities when they are available, please submit an email address where we can contact you.


I am looking for funding opportunities for the following school safety needs. (Select all that apply)
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Question 1 of 7

Award Amount

School safety grants are available in varying amounts of funding. I am looking for funding opportunities in the following amounts. (Select all that apply)
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Question 2 of 7

Application Level of Effort

As a member of your school’s community, we know you’re busy! The application process for some school safety grants can be more time-consuming and complicated than others. Select the level of effort you’re interested in for completing the grant application.
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Question 3 of 7

Direct vs Pass-Through Grant

Some Federally available school safety grant programs allow schools and/or districts to apply directly for funding (direct grant). Other Federal grant programs provide funding that schools can only receive through another entity such as a state agency, local government, or other eligible organization (pass-through grant). I’m interested in viewing the following type of grant applications.
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Question 4 of 7


Some Federally available school safety grant programs can be used to support the role of specific members of the school community. I am looking for grant opportunities for the following intended users. (Select all that apply)
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Question 5 of 7


Prevention, protection and mitigation, and response and recovery are all key elements in creating and maintaining safe and supportive school environments. I’m interested in grants for the following actions when it comes to school safety threats, hazards, and risks. (Select all that apply)
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Question 6 of 7

Funding Agency currently houses grants available from the four Federal School Safety Clearinghouse agencies. I’m interested in finding grants available from the following Federal agencies. (Select all that apply)
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Question 7 of 7

Thank you for completing the Grants Finder Tool quiz.

Review the eligible grants based on your selections below. You can also download your results.

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Department of Health and Human Services
Level of Effort
Cooperative Agreements for the Garrett Lee Smith State/Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention and Early Intervention Program
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides funding to support states and Tribes with implementing youth (up to age 24) suicide prevention and early intervention strategies in schools, educational institutions, juvenile justice systems, substance use and mental health programs, foster care systems, pediatric health programs, and other child- and youth-serving organizations.

Access Link:

Department of Education
Level of Effort
School-Based Mental Health (SBMH) Services Grant Program
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides competitive grants to State educational agencies (SEAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), and consortia of LEAs to increase the number of credentialed mental health services providers providing school-based mental health services to students in LEAs with demonstrated need.

Access Link:…

Department of Education
Level of Effort
Mental Health Services Professional (MHSP) Demonstration Grant Program
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides funding to support and demonstrate innovative partnerships to train school-based mental health service providers for employment in schools and local educational agencies (LEAs).

Access Link:…

Department of Homeland Security
Level of Effort
Fiscal Year 2024 Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) Grant Program
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides funding for state, local, tribal, and territorial governments; nonprofits; independent school districts; and institutions of higher education to establish or enhance capabilities to prevent targeted violence and terrorism. Funding supports online, in-person, and hybrid projects that address the threat of online pathways to violence as well as the threat of violence in physical spaces.

Access Link:

Department of Health and Human Services
Level of Effort
Drug-Free Communities Support Program
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides grants to community coalitions to strengthen the infrastructure among local partners to create and sustain a reduction in local youth substance use.

Access Link:…

Department of Health and Human Services
Level of Effort
Community Programs for Outreach and Intervention with Youth and Young Adults at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: The purpose of this program is to provide trauma-informed, evidence-based interventions to youth and young adults (up to 25 years of age) who are at clinical high risk for psychosis. Recipients will be expected to use evidence-based interventions to: improve symptomatic and behavioral functioning; enable individuals to resume age-appropriate social, academic, and/or vocational activities; delay or prevent the onset of psychosis; and minimize the duration of untreated psychosis.

Access Link:

Department of Health and Human Services
Level of Effort
Improving Adolescent Health and Well-Being Through School-Based Surveillance and the What Works in Schools Program
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides funding to support the implementation of activities at multiple levels of the public education system to achieve health goals, including the What Works in Schools program and building the capacity of agencies to assist local education agencies (districts and schools). CDC’s What Works in Schools program is a primary prevention approach that supports school districts in implementing three key strategies: providing quality health education, connecting youth to health services, and creating safe and supportive learning environments.

Access Link:

Other Federal Agencies
Level of Effort
Grant Funding to Address Indoor Air Pollution at Schools
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides funding for grants and other activities to monitor and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other air pollutants at schools in low-income, disadvantaged and Tribal communities through the development and adoption of comprehensive indoor air quality (IAQ) management plans. States, local governments and educational agencies, U.S. territories, Indian Tribes, and nonprofit organizations with experience conducting national, regional, or multi-state IAQ management capacity building programs, providing IAQ training, executing IAQ research in school settings, or disseminating IAQ standards/policies that have achieved positive outcomes – especially with schools and Tribal entities – are encouraged to apply.

Access Link:…

Department of Health and Human Services
Level of Effort
Grants for Expansion and Sustainability of the Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children with Serious Emotional Disturbance
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides resources to improve the mental health outcomes for children and youth at risk for, or with, serious emotional disturbances (SED), and their families. The program aims to prepare children and youth with, or at risk of, SED for successful transition to adulthood and assumption of adult roles and responsibilities.

Access Link:

Department of Homeland Security
Level of Effort
Tribal Cybersecurity Grant Program (TCGP)
Level of Effort

Deadline: This grant application window is currently closed. Please to receive email notifications for updates on grant opportunities.

Description: Provides funding to help tribal governments address cybersecurity risks and threats to their information systems. The program provides targeted cybersecurity investments designed to improve the security of critical infrastructure and resilience of the services that tribal governments provide to their members.

Access Link:

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