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Find School Safety Resources provides resources, like guidance, training, and fact sheets, to help schools create and maintain a safe learning environment. 

For standards and guidance on submitting a resource to and to access the resource submission form, please see here.  

Looking for grants? Visit the Grants Finder Tool to find applicable funding opportunities to help keep your school community safe.


Targeted Violence
How State Leaders Can Help Respond to Incidents of School-Based Gun Violence and Support Recovery in School Communities

Department of Education, 2024

This brief shares considerations for organizing a state-level response to support schools and districts in recovery from school-based gun violence. It provides considerations for organizing coordination and response teams, planning and implementing the response, and reviewing the response for areas of improvement and providing ongoing support.

Targeted Violence
Implementing Physical Safety Measures Effectively at Schools

Department of Education, 2024

This resource is a compilation of practice profiles highlighting considerations for improving physical safety for schools and classrooms in the context of school-based gun violence. It describes considerations for implementation within a larger multi-tiered system of supports framework and provides specific practice profiles for classroom practices, outdoor and entrance practices, and communication protocols.

Mental Health
Understanding Key Components to Support Trauma-Informed School Change

Department of Health and Human Services, 2020

This video shares information and strategies to sustain trauma-informed practices in schools. It highlights key approaches such as developing administrative buy-in, engaging stakeholders, and utilizing a whole-school approach to meet the needs of children, including those impacted by trauma.

Bullying and Cyberbullying
Bullying Prevention: Resources for Families and Educators

Third Party

This webpage provides resources for families and educators on bullying prevention. It includes resources to help schools and communities prevent bullying and cyberbullying; identify and address bullying behaviors; respond to bullying and youth suicide; and create safe and supportive schools that are free from bullying, discrimination, harassment, aggression, violence, and abuse.

Mental Health
Protecting Youth From the Harms of Vaping

Department of Health and Human Services

This webpage provides information and resources on how educators, parents and guardians, health care professionals, and communities can help youth reject or quit vaping and other tobacco products.

Mental Health
Guidance to States and Communities on Using Federal Funding to Support Mental Health Services for LGBTQI+ Youth

Department of Health and Human Services, 2024

This guidance outlines how states and communities can use funding from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to support mental health services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and other gender diverse youth (LGBTQI+) with examples from Bipartisan Safer Communities Act grantees.

Mental Health
Working Well Resource Directory

Department of Education

This resource directory is designed to help districts and schools promote well-being among administrators, teachers, and other staff.

School Climate
Free to Learn

Department of Education, 2024

This initiative provides resources to support educators in fostering safe, inclusive, supportive and fair school climates and preventing and addressing identity-based discrimination, bullying, harassment, and violence.

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