Tools to Get Started
Creating a comprehensive school safety program can be a challenge. Start with these tools to learn about the efforts you can take or to discover the right resources for your school.
Grants Finder Tool
Explore school safety grant opportunities
Use the Grants Finder Tool to find applicable funding opportunities to help keep your school community safe.
Safety Readiness Tool
Get an action plan
Identify the efforts you’re taking to address the foundational elements of school safety. Get a personalized action plan with next steps and resources for your school to consider.
Resource Search
Find school safety resources
Find resources, like guidance, training, or fact sheets, that are vetted by SchoolSafety.gov.
State Search Tool
Visit the State Search Tool
Discover your state’s school safety programs and regional contacts from federal agencies. These contacts and programs can be a resource to you as you build your school safety plan.

Discover school safety events and opportunities
Learn about upcoming and past events such as webinars and conferences related to school safety.
Communications Center
Access SchoolSafety.gov materials
Download and share the latest SchoolSafety.gov one-pagers, issue briefs, newsletters, and virtual training materials.
Foundational Elements
Review the Foundational Elements for an overview of essential elements to support and strengthen school safety.