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Find School Safety Resources provides resources, like guidance, training, and fact sheets, to help schools create and maintain a safe learning environment. 

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Emergency Planning
Schools/Education Community

Department of Justice

This guidance provides information specifically for students and other victims of violent crimes.

Emergency Planning
Mass Violence Toolkit

Department of Justice, August 2015

This toolkit helps victims of mass violence and terrorism by providing checklists, templates and other resources from partner agencies, subject matter experts, and lessons learned from past incidents to give communities a holistic approach to victim assistance from planning through long-term recovery.

Fact Sheet
Emergency Planning
REMS TA Center Fact Sheets: Response for Schools and School Districts

Department of Education, 2017

This fact sheet provides schools with information on response and the role it plays in school preparedness. It also contains examples of recovery activities, steps for integrating recovery into emergency planning, and key resources for schools and school districts.

Emergency Planning
Active Shooter Resources

Department of Justice

This guidance provides victims with resources and information on the responsibilities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during active shooter incidents and mass killings. Resources also include information on support services for victims, family members, first responders and investigative teams who have been affected by active shooter or mass killing incidents.

Targeted Violence
A Study of the Pre-Attack Behaviors of Active Shooters in the U.S.

Department of Justice, June 2018

This report, covering active shooter incidents in the United States between 2000 and 2013, examines specific behaviors that may precede an attack and that might be useful in identifying, assessing, and managing those who may be on a pathway to violence.

Targeted Violence
Planning and Response to an Active Shooter: An Interagency Security Committee Policy and Best Practices Guide

Department of Homeland Security, November 2015

This guide provides emergency planners, disaster committees, leadership, and others involved in emergency operations planning with detailed discussions of unique issues faced in Federal facilities before, during, and after an active shooter event. It can be used as a reference to enhance preparedness for an active shooter incident andn may also be useful to other local jurisdictions across the United States.

Emergency Planning
Active Shooter: How to Respond

Department of Homeland Security, October 2018

This guidance provides information for employers and employees on how to train staff for an active shooter situation, how to respond to active shooter threats within their workplace, how to recognize potential workplace violence and how to respond when law enforcement arrives.

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