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Find School Safety Resources provides resources, like guidance, training, and fact sheets, to help schools create and maintain a safe learning environment. 

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Mental Health

Department of Justice, 2013

This guidance is a training resource for professionals that teaches best practices in working with children who have experienced or witnessed serious violence. The courses describe the prevalence and characteristics of different forms of victimization, their psychological, behavioral, social and health consequences, and implications for practice.

Training Program
Emergency Planning
Mass Violence and Terrorism Web Training Series

Department of Justice

This virtual training program educates the general public with on the importance of communities, states, and regional planning to respond to incidents of mass violence and terrorism.

Training Program
Emergency Planning
VAT Online: Terrorism and Mass Violence

Department of Justice

This virtual training program educates the general public on the definition of terrorism and mass violence, describes the effects on victims and survivors, and identifies resources for victims and communities.

Targeted Violence
Through Our Eyes: Children, Violence, and Trauma

Department of Justice

This guidance provides victim-serving organizations with a training session that addresses how to create and maintain partnerships, address resources gaps, develop victim assistance protocols, and use the protocols after incidents of mass violence or terrorism.

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