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Browse past events for event resources, including webinar recordings, transcripts, and more.

Past Events

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Preventing Mass Attacks in Our Communities

Department of Homeland Security
In this virtual training event, NTAC researchers discuss important findings from our research on mass attacks perpetrated in public and semi-public spaces, including businesses, restaurants, bars, retail outlets, houses of worship, schools, open spaces, and more. This training will provide guidance on how communities may develop or improve existing violence prevention programs utilizing a behavioral threat assessment model.
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Raising the Bar for Children’s Mental Health

Department of Education and Department of Health and Human Services
This event will convene state and local government leaders virtually to discuss investing in children's mental health and well-being. The convening will feature schools, districts, and states that are successfully providing school-based services and are investing in building schools' capacity to support student mental health. It will also raise the issue of sustainability and discuss resources available to ensure states are positioned to utilize Medicaid funds to sustain these efforts long-term.
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Human Trafficking Webinar Series - Human Trafficking & Exploitation Prevention Strategies for Vulnerable Students

Department of Education
This webinar will highlight best practices and resources for K-12 educators working with students who are at higher risk of being trafficked or exploited. It will feature presentations that discuss how to address the unique vulnerabilities of immigrant and refugee young people, students with disabilities, and young people involved in the child welfare system.
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K-12 School Safety Funding Opportunities

Department of Homeland Security, Department of Education, Department of Justice, and Department of Health and Human Services
This virtual training will provide information on federal school safety grants available to the K-12 community. Presenters will discuss open and upcoming funding opportunities from the U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and U.S. Department of Justice.
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