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Find School Safety Resources provides resources, like guidance, training, and fact sheets, to help schools create and maintain a safe learning environment. 

For standards and guidance on submitting a resource to and to access the resource submission form, please see here.  

Looking for grants? Visit the Grants Finder Tool to find applicable funding opportunities to help keep your school community safe.


Threat Assessment and Reporting
Addressing the Risk of Violent Behavior in Youth

Department of Education

This presentation helps teachers and school personnel identify common risk factors and warning signs associated with violent behaviors as well as strategies to effectively respond to situations of concern.

Infectious Diseases and Public Health
Be COVID Prepared Toolkit Plan

Department of Health and Human Services, and Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2020

So what can YOU do to Be COVID Prepared? The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) say it can be as easy as following 3 simple principles: Prevent. Prepare. Be Informed. 

Infectious Diseases and Public Health
Be COVID Prepared Plan Template

Department of Health and Human Services, and Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2020

To help with COVID-19 preparedness, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) have developed this emergency plan template to organize some key steps you may want to take. This template should not replace the guidance from your school but can be used in addition to the direction you’re being provided.

Infectious Diseases and Public Health
Promising Practices and Approaches to Support Remote Learning

Department of Education, 2020

When schools are forced to shutter their doors because of natural phenomena, remote learning takes on added importance. Recent school closures because of COVID-19 have highlighted the need for a better understanding of the most promising remote learning strategies when there are no classroom alternatives. We reviewed 110 studies on the effectiveness of remote learning practices in K-12 settings.

Infectious Diseases and Public Health
How to Disinfect your Workspace

Department of Homeland Security, 2020

Many germs and virus are found on the surfaces in your workplace and home. It is important to keep all your work surfaces clean, especially during a pandemic or emerging disease event.

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