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Find School Safety Resources provides resources, like guidance, training, and fact sheets, to help schools create and maintain a safe learning environment. 

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Emergency Planning
Multihazard Emergency Planning for Schools

Federal Emergency Management Agency

These resources are designed to help schools and districts conduct training, plan, and prepare for a wide range of hazards including public health emergencies, natural disasters, and school violence.

Emergency Planning
General Mitigation and Resilience Resources

Department of Education

These resources - including courses, guidance, and frameworks - are designed to help schools and districts identify, manage, and mitigate risks and hazards.

Targeted Violence
K-12 Site Assessment Resources

Department of Education

This resource guide provides school planning and site assessment teams with a suite of resources to improve the safety and security of schools, with information on a variety of topics including building design, maintaining safe and healthy facilities, and preparing for threats and hazards.

Targeted Violence
Violence Prevention: School-Based Approaches to Conduct Problems

Department of Education, 2011

This webinar provides detailed guidance for the management and design of an education system’s violence prevention strategy. It features specific, practical strategies for implementing and sustaining school violence prevention efforts and includes information on the impact of positive school climate and relational strength on student violence.

Case Study
School Climate
Integrated Student Supports

Department of Education, 2020

This blog post explains how schools can implement Integrated Student Supports, an educational approach that works to improve students’ academic outcomes by systematically supporting their academic and non-academic needs.

School Climate
Relationships First: Creating Connections that Help Young People Thrive

Third Party, 2017

This report highlights the importance of healthy, supportive relationships to positive youth outcomes. It articulates the Developmental Relationships Framework and includes sections on why developmental relationships matter; how developmental relationships grow; activating relationships in organizations; and ideas for deepening one-on-one relationships (for parents, teachers, and youth workers). 

Mental Health
Disaster Distress Helpline

Department of Health and Human Services

This toll-free, multilingual, crisis support service is available 24/7 to all residents in the U.S. and its territories who are experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters. The service is staffed by trained counselors who provide crisis counseling; information on how to recognize distress and its effects on individuals and families; referrals to local crisis call centers for additional follow-up care and support; and healthy coping tips.

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