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Past Events

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De la Concientización a la Acción: Reconocer y Denunciar la Trata de Personas

Department of Homeland Security
Durante el seminario web, usted obtendrá información esencial sobre qué es la trata de personas y por qué es importante, mitos y conceptos erróneos sobre la trata de personas, a quién afecta la trata de personas y cómo operan los tratantes, indicadores de posibles situaciones de trata de personas, recursos disponibles para ayudar a potenciar los esfuerzos de concientización en sus comunidades. Después de registrarse, usted recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación con el enlace para unirse al seminario web.
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Responding to & Investigating Hoax Bomb Threats & Swatting

Department of Justice
This course will introduce attendees to the realities of bomb threats and swatting hoaxes including a detailed review of statistics and current trends seen across the country. Characteristics of hoax calls and best practices for the assessment and response will be covered including the decision-making process for evacuation or sheltering in place. There are four scheduled sessions on January 11, 2024.
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From Awareness to Action: Recognizing and Reporting Human Trafficking

Department of Homeland Security
During the webinar, participants will gain essential insights into what human trafficking is and why it matters, myths and misconceptions about human trafficking, who trafficking affects and how traffickers operate, indicators of potential human trafficking situations, and resources available to help supercharge awareness efforts in your communities. After registering, participants will receive a confirmation email with the link to join the webinar.
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Bullying Prevention Through Empathy Building: Getting Students To Care

Department of Health and Human Services
The relationship between empathy and healthy peer relationships has been studied at length over the years, and research suggests that building empathy can help reduce bullying and cyberbullying while simultaneously promoting tolerance, kindness, and peer respect in student interactions. While many teachers and administrators affirm its importance, they often do not have a toolbox of plug-and-play activities they can use in their classrooms and schools. This session first explains the key research findings in this area before providing concrete ideas for project-based and experiential learning to decrease peer aggression offline and online, and promote intervening behaviors from bystanders.
Threat Assessment and Reporting

Enhancing School Safety Using Behavioral Threat Assessment

Department of Homeland Security
In this virtual training event, NTAC researchers highlight the key findings and implications from their research on school violence prevention. In this training, you will learn about the background, thinking, and behavior of school attackers and how some schools discovered and stopped plots before violence occurred. This training will provide guidance on how schools may develop or improve existing violence prevention programs utilizing a behavioral threat assessment model.
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