West Virginia
West Virginia has many agency programs and contacts that can help your school build a school safety plan. Check out these resources as you develop your plan.
State Programs
Contact Information
State Resources
State Programs
West Virginia Department of Education
The West Virginia Department of Education is a government agency that oversees the public school system in West Virginia.
Website: https://wvde.us/
Safe & Supportive Schools
The West Virginia Board of Education established Safe and Supportive Schools in recognition of the need for students, teachers, administrators, and other school personnel to have a safe and supportive educational environment.
Website: https://wvde.us/leadership-system-support/safe-supportive-schools/
Office of School Facilities and Transportation Directory
The Office of School Facilities provides guidance to county school systems in their effort to continually improve all aspects of educational programming, including physical facilities.
Website: https://wvde.us/finance-and-administration/school-facilities-transportation/
School Safety
The West Virginia Department of Education and Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management share resources for a School Crisis Prevention and Response Plan Template containing the requirements for school-specific School Crisis Prevention and Response Plans.
Website: https://dhsem.wv.gov/School%20Safety/Pages/default.aspx
Contact Information
State Resources
West Virginia Center for Children's Justice
This program promotes school-community partnerships aimed at ensuring that children who are exposed to trauma in their home, school or community receive appropriate interventions to help them achieve academically at their highest levels despite whatever traumatic circumstances they may have endured. It supports children exposed to trauma and violence through improved communication and collaboration between law enforcement, schools/child care agencies and mental health providers, and connects families, schools and communities to mental health services.