Pennsylvania has many agency programs and contacts that can help your school build a school safety plan. Check out these resources as you develop your plan.
State Programs
Contact Information
State Programs
Pennsylvania Department of Education
The Pennsylvania Department of Education oversees 500 public school districts, more than 170 public charter schools, public cyber charter schools, and more in the State of Pennsylvania.
Office for Safe Schools
The Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Office for Safe Schools coordinates school safety and security programs, collects the annual school violence statistics, coordinates antiviolence efforts, and develops policies and strategies to combat school violence.
Center for Safe Schools
The Center for Safe Schools shares resources on bullying prevention and emergency management for schools and school communities in Pennsylvania.
School Safety Resources
The Pennsylvania State Police works with parents, students, and school staff to keep school districts safe and secure. The program shares resources to prevent violence at schools.
School Safety and Security
The School Safety and Security Committee shares resources and relevant information for schools and school communities in Pennsylvania.