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Infectious Diseases and Public Health Infectious Diseases and Public Health


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Maintain healthy and sustainable learning environments.

Schools play a critical role in promoting the health and well-being of children and adolescents. They support students’ cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development; provide access to critical health services; and help students establish lifelong healthy behaviors. Safe and healthy learning environments and access to health education programs and services can reduce negative risk factors among youth and increase students’ capacity to learn.

Schools should also have plans in place that can help reduce illness and illness-related absenteeism by preventing the spread of infectious diseases. While infectious disease outbreaks and public health emergencies may be unpredictable, K-12 schools can implement a core set of prevention strategies as part of their normal operations. These include promoting proper handwashing; cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting surfaces and objects; improving indoor air quality; teaching and reinforcing respiratory etiquette; and promoting equitable access to vaccinations. When there is a higher level of illness in the school or surrounding community, schools can work with their local public health partners to implement additional prevention strategies. Schools can also prepare for outbreaks or a pandemic by creating an emergency operations plan with an infectious disease section, which outlines the actions necessary to reduce the impact of the outbreak.

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Targeted Violence
K-12 Site Assessment Resources

Department of Education

This resource guide provides school planning and site assessment teams with a suite of resources to improve the safety and security of schools, with information on a variety of topics including building design, maintaining safe and healthy facilities, and preparing for threats and hazards.

Mental Health
What Works In Schools

Department of Health and Human Services

This program helps promote adolescent health and wellbeing. It supports the implementation of quality health education, increases connections to needed health services, and improves the safety and supportiveness of school environments for middle and high school students.

School Climate
Virtual Healthy School

Department of Health and Human Services

This interactive tool shows schools how to support the health and academic achievement of students through the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model.

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