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Find School Safety Resources provides resources, like guidance, training, and fact sheets, to help schools create and maintain a safe learning environment. 

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Showing results for "Threat Assessment and Reporting".
Targeted Violence
Understanding Firearm-Related Injury and School Violence Series

Department of Justice, 2024

This podcast interview series provides information on the intersection of school safety strategies and firearm-related injury. Episodes cover topics such as youth suicide prevention, anonymous reporting systems, and community engagement.
Fact Sheet
Bullying and Cyberbullying
Bullying Prevention and Preparedness Modelling

Department of Justice, 2023

This document outlines key takeaways, additional resources, and discussion questions from a recorded webinar on upstream practices that help schools reduce instances of bullying.
Fact Sheet
Threat Assessment and Reporting
Anonymous Reporting Systems Response Skill Building

Department of Justice, 2023

This document outlines key takeaways, additional resources, and discussion questions from a recorded webinar about coordinated approaches to tip reporting scenarios and the interface between threat assessment teams and triaging tips.
Threat Assessment and Reporting
Social Media Threat Guidance for School Staff and Authorities

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, 2023

This infographic highlights social media threats affecting school districts in the United States, provides mitigation and response measures for social media threats directed at school districts, and connects school safety stakeholders to a suite of tools and resources available to promote a culture of readiness and preparedness.
Targeted Violence
Safe and Supportive Schools: 20 Questions Every Parent Should Ask

Third Party, 2018

This resource provides a list of questions to help parents and guardians have a conversation with school principals about school safety policies and procedures; preventative resources for students, families and school personnel; and what type of communication channels in place for families and students.
Training Program
Emergency Planning
Crisis Management for School-Based Incidents for Key Decision Makers

Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2020

This two-day training course provides the operational-level details to support many of the topics covered in the Crisis Management for School-Based Incidents – Partnering Rural Law Enforcement and the Local School Systems awareness-level course. It provides content instruction, develops concept-specific skills, and provides opportunities for law enforcement, school personnel, and community stakeholders to collaboratively apply the course objectives in scenario-based applications. Topics covered in this course include all-hazards planning, preparedness, response, and recovery; vulnerability assessments; threat assessment management; and scenario-based activities.
Targeted Violence
The Science of School Safety

Department of Justice, 2022

This podcast episode discusses bullying, school climate, mental health, and other important school safety issues. The episode also covers the National Institute of Justice's research portfolio on school safety.
Targeted Violence
Averted School Violence Database: 2021 Analysis Update

Department of Justice, 2021

This downloadable report leverages data from additional averted school violence cases since the 2019 Averted School Violence Database report to conduct similar analyses; compares the findings from the new cases to the initial 51 averted cases; and provides overarching lessons learned and recommendations that can be leveraged by school administrators, law enforcement, and communities to enhance school safety and security.
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