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Past Events

Emergency Planning

Emerging Trends: Securing Extracurricular School Events

Department of Justice
This webinar, led by a panel of law enforcement and school safety professionals, shares insights on securing extracurricular events. It focuses on strategies to enhance collaboration between law enforcement officers, school staff, and other stakeholders to prepare safety plans designed to enhance security, operationalize these plans, and conduct effective post-event debriefings that inform future operations.
Threat Assessment and Reporting

Enhancing School Safety Using Behavioral Threat Assessment

Department of Homeland Security
In this virtual training event, NTAC researchers highlight the key findings and implications from their research on school violence prevention. In this training, you will learn about the background, thinking, and behavior of school attackers and how some schools discovered and stopped plots before violence occurred. This training will provide guidance on how schools may develop or improve existing violence prevention programs utilizing a behavioral threat assessment model.
School Climate

Supporting Children of Incarcerated Parents: Addressing School-Based Bias and Stigma

Third Party and Department of Justice
This webinar explores how schools and correctional facilities can better support children of incarcerated parents. Panelists discuss how educators can recognize and address their own implicit biases; create affirming spaces for children of incarcerated parents; and provide educational support for children, caregivers, and families of incarcerated parents. 
Targeted Violence

STOP School-Based CVI Approaches – Safe Passage

Department of Justice and Third Party
This session assists participants in identifying how school and community violence intervention (CVI) partnerships use school and community data - along with relationships between students, families, and school staff - to create a Safe Passage program. Safe Passage programs place trained and trusted adults in locations around the school where violence is prevalent. During the webinar, CVI experts share best practices and lessons learned from their own Safe Passage experiences and offer recommendations for communities looking to establish similar strategies.
Targeted Violence

Preventing Mass Attacks in Our Communities

Department of Homeland Security
In this virtual training event, NTAC researchers discuss important findings from research on mass attacks perpetrated in public and semi-public spaces, including businesses, restaurants, bars, retail outlets, houses of worship, schools, open spaces, and more. This training will provide guidance on how communities may develop or improve existing violence prevention programs utilizing a behavioral threat assessment model.
Emergency Planning

Leveraging Emergency Management to Prepare and Plan for a Mass Violence Incident

Department of Justice

This webinar explores promising practices and lessons learned from an emergency management perspective to prepare and plan for a mass violence incident. The event also includes information on resources available to help communities. This webinar is part of a series that spotlights topics from the Critical Incident Review: Active Shooter at Robb Elementary School report.

School Climate

STOP School-Based CVI Approaches – RISE Mentoring

Department of Justice and Third Party
This webinar showcases steps taken to support students most likely to be disconnected from school prior to graduation. Leaders from Spokane Public Schools share key components, impacts, and lessons learned from the RISE Mentoring program, which engages youth with school conduct issues that would otherwise result in a suspension or expulsion.
Infectious Diseases and Public Health

Managing Outbreaks: Telehealth Strategies for Health Centers and School

Third Party and Department of Health and Human Services
This webinar explores practical strategies for using telehealth to support schools and health centers during outbreaks, focusing on effective screening, virtual consultations, and remote care coordination. It covers how to maintain continuity of care, manage quarantine protocols, and leverage telehealth for real-time communication between health centers and school officials.
Threat Assessment and Reporting

Enhancing School Safety Using Behavioral Threat Assessment

Department of Homeland Security
In this virtual training event, NTAC researchers highlight the key findings and implications from their research on school violence prevention. In this training, you will learn about the background, thinking, and behavior of school attackers and how some schools discovered and stopped plots before violence occurred. This training will provide guidance on how schools may develop or improve existing violence prevention programs utilizing a behavioral threat assessment model.
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