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Find School Safety Resources provides resources, like guidance, training, and fact sheets, to help schools create and maintain a safe learning environment. 

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K-12 Digital Infrastructure Brief: Privacy Enhancing, Interoperable, and Useful

Department of Education, 2023

This brief discusses prioritizing privacy and ensuring data protection measures so that schools can build trust with stakeholders and maintain the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive student data. It includes information on the implementation of data interoperability standards to allow the seamless exchange of data between different edtech applications and systems. This publication is part of a series of briefs on the key considerations facing educational leaders as they work to build and sustain core digital infrastructure for learning.
K-12 Digital Infrastructure Brief: Adequate and Future Proof

Department of Education, 2023

This brief discusses connections, speeds, and devices that should be designed to meet the needs of modern education with plans for financial sustainability. It is part of a series of briefs on key considerations facing educational leaders as they work to build and sustain core digital infrastructure for learning.
Safe Online Surfing

Department of Justice

This educational program helps children learn about online safety and digital citizenship. It offers interactive games that cover topics such as cyberbullying, online threats, and digital etiquette.
Mental Health
Model School District Policy on Suicide Prevention

Third Party, 2019

This resource provides a thorough plan for school districts to implement suicide prevention policies in their community. It includes specific, actionable steps to support school personnel; sample language for student handbooks; suggestions for involving parents and guardians in suicide prevention; and guidance for addressing in-school suicide attempts.
Targeted Violence
In the Aftermath

Department of Justice, 2023

This documentary focuses on best practices after school shooting tragedies, including family reunification, dealing with accompanying trauma, and crisis planning.
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